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Uplifting Creation Weekend 2024

Uplifting Creation Weekend 2024


The people who came to Creation Weekend, October 25 and 26, 2024 were greatly impressed by Dr. Kurt Wise’s passion, depth of information and quality of his arguments.  His topics ranged firstly from the nature of dinosaur fossils and what these tell us about their lives and fate, and secondly to God’s dealing with His Creation and how this impacts our estimates of the age of the universe, and thirdly how Christians can interact with our modern society. Specifically we have no need to introduce the reality of God to anyone because everyone actually already perceives the existence of the Creator of Heaven and Earth, whether they  admit it or not.

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For many years, in sponsoring Creation Weekend, our local association (CSAA or Creation Science Association of Alberta) has provided inspiration and information to audiences of all ages. The benefit from these weekends is training on how to be informed and enthusiastic, able to enjoy the insights that we hear, and to share those with others.

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Our Required Response to the Awesome Creator!

Featuring: Dr. Kurt Wise, Director of Creation Research Center, Truett McConnell University, Cleveland, Georgia

Session 1 – Dinosaurs: Insight into Biblical History
Friday evening:
October 25, 2024, 8:00 p.m.
(excellent for youth and families)
Learn how dinosaurs’ designs teach us something about God’s nature, how the fossils of dinosaurs teach us about sin and its consequences in judgement, and the legends of dinosaurs teach us how people still need God’s love and salvation.

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Creation Weekend 2023

Creation Weekend 2023


It was like old times again! What a pleasure it was to hear our speaker, Dr. Gordon Wilson of New Saint Andrews College in Idaho, address us in person. And everyone appreciated the wonderful venue, Meadowlands Baptist Church, which provided excellent technical assistance as well as an attractive facility. The opportunity to chat with other people and to buy new book and DVD titles, were additional blessings.

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Creation Weekend 2023

Creation Weekend 2023

Creation with Confidence and Grace
Featuring Dr. Gordon Wilson

Friday, October 27 – Saturday, October 28

Location: Meadowlands Baptist Church
(2215 17 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta)

Friday 8:00 p.m. Session – Young Earth Creation with Confidence and Grace
This presentation teaches our youth and young adults to be confident and bold, but also gracious about young earth creation. We are happy to be young earth creationists in our Christian/creationist bubble, but do we zip inside our turtle shell when we are around others who are likely to ridicule us? On the other extreme, some creationists are bold but also obnoxious and argumentative with atheistic or theistic evolutionists or old earth creationists. Neither extreme will do. We must be confident in what we believe, but also gracious, and, patient, and quick to listen while we present our reasons for the faith that is in us.

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Dr. Gordon Wilson featured speaker at Creation Weekend October 2023
October 27 and 28, 2023
Edmonton, Alberta
Meadowlands Baptist Church

Many people love The Riot and the Dance cinematic celebrations of the creation. Dr. Gordon Wilson is the biologist and narrator of these films. Naturally these wonderful programs call our attention to only a small number of interesting stories from nature. But Dr. Wilson has a great store of interesting discussions on the significance of what nature displays! In his presentations he provides insights on the life cycles, diversity, and relationships of living creatures while at the same time acknowledging the impact of natural evil, a result of God’s curse after the fall of man, which results in predators, parasites and disease impacting all creatures.

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Meeting and Greeting

Meeting and Greeting


This spring, as is their custom, Creation Science Association of Alberta sponsored a book and information booth at Alberta Home Educators’ conference in Red Deer. There are always many details to consider when planning for such a booth. The present inventory of resources must be assessed and books and DVDs ordered to top up the stock. Are there new titles which could be considered? These must be ordered as well. Among new publications this year were new curriculum texts, one available from AiG and one from CMI.

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Adventures on Ararat

Adventures on Ararat


The recent death of Dr. John Morris of ICR brings to mind the occasion when he collaborated with Rev. Edward Crawford of Edmonton to travel to Mount Ararat.

On a stormy night at the end of February, 1976 Edward Crawford and more than three thousand other Edmontonians crowded into Jubilee Auditorium to hear John Morris, Field Director of the Institute for Creation Research in San Diego. Morris’ update on the status of expeditions to Mount Ararat included a number of slides. Mr. Crawford however saw something that others missed. He saw an inscription on a boulder on Mount Ararat. He recognized some of the characters as ancient proto-Sumerian. What was the story behind these writings? He wondered how messages came to be in such an inhospitable part of the world.

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Celebrating a Milestone!!

Celebrating a Milestone!!


It seems a long time ago, yet not a long time ago at all. In the early 1970s Alberta was poised to see a mass immigration of Canadians from other parts of the country, and later people from other parts of the world. The promise of a new prosperity lured many to the province. But ideas were changing too and the schools in the province were about to see a new emphasis on increasingly blatant humanistic and pro-evolution content, especially in science and social studies.

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Shining a Light in the World

Shining a Light in the World


Creation Weekend 2022 represented yet another experiment in our efforts to bring the presentations of featured speakers before a far-flung audience. Obviously live events are the ideal, when people can meet, share concerns, examine resources at first-hand, and engage the speaker in face-to-face conversation. But even online, the audience enjoys the speaker’s message and still has the opportunity to ask questions. In these uncertain times therefore, Creation Science Association of Alberta elected to provide a hybrid event.

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Creation Weekend 2022

Creation Weekend 2022


You are invited to
Creation Weekend 2022
Featuring Patricia Engler
Youth Outreach Coordinator for Answers in Genesis and author of a new book Prepare to Thrive

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Hybrid Event with In Person or Online Options
In Person Option
– View presentations on a large screen and meet others.
– Browse books and DVDs provided for sale.
– No need to register for this option.
– Location: Meadowlands Baptist Church (2215 17 St NW, Edmonton)
– Attendance is free.

At Home Option
– Watch presentations using Zoom.
– Register for free at www.create.ab.ca/register

10:00 a.m. – Session 1
Understanding Genesis,
the Foundation of our Christian Faith
Why are Western nations growing less Christian every year – and what can we do about it? Find out why Genesis provides the foundation for the Biblical worldview, what happens when we compromise that foundation, and how everyday Christians can respond.

2:00 p.m. – Session 2
Stories from Backpacking Around the World
in Search of Christian Students
How do Christian students around the world keep their faith? To find out, Patricia backpacked around the world interviewing students. With a country-by-country retelling of her experiences, key takeaways from interviews, and stories of God’s provision along the way, this presentation combines topics of apologetics, higher education, and the adventure of the Christian life.

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Talking Faith and Fossils

Talking Faith and Fossils


Creation Weekend 2021’s on-line conference with paleontologist Dr. Marcus Ross was so dynamic and interesting that it seemed as if we had heard him in person. I found myself thinking about his return trip to Virginia. But, of course, he never left Virginia. Nevertheless, with the wonders of technology, Dr. Ross was able to present two excellent and very different topics. Since his field of expertise is fossils, his whole first presentation dealt with fossils, specifically some scary marine reptiles called mosasaurs. The second talk dealt with the objectives of creationists in their pursuit of science.

In the Royal Tyrrell Museum’s spooky Bearpaw Sea exhibit, if you look up, you will see the skeletons of massive marine reptiles including mosasaurs. Dr. Ross actually came as a student to study Alberta mosasaurs at the Tyrrell Museum. Read the rest of this entry »

Marcus Ross has loved paleontology, and especially dinosaurs, since he was a kid growing up in Rhode Island. His twin passions of Christianity and science have provided some amazing opportunities along the way!

Marcus began his formal studies in geology at the Pennsylvania State University, where he earned a B.S. in Earth Science. It was there that he also began his early work in creation science, writing articles and leading a student creation club on campus. Following graduation, he continued his studies with a M.S. in Vertebrate Paleontology from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and later a Ph.D. in Environmental Science (Geoscience) from the University of Rhode Island. His dissertation research focused on the fossil record of mosasaurs, a group of large marine-dwelling lizards known from upper Cretaceous rocks around the world. Read the rest of this entry »

In 2021 the AHEA (the Alberta Home Educators Association) held a Digital Conference in place of their regular conference.  Each year CSAA (the Creation Science Association of Alberta) has a booth at this conference.  This year since it is a digital conference, we have a digital booth.

Welcome! Take a look at the resources that we offer.

For almost everyone, the year 2020 has certainly presented obstacles to our normal tasks and social gatherings. So it was that CSAA, like many Christian organizations, found that an on-line fall program offered the best hope of sharing our message. Blessed with someone on our team with expert computer skills, the appropriate programs were selected to make the event possible and professional. When David Coppedge of southern California agreed to be our speaker, we were so pleased! All the pieces of the organizational puzzle had fallen into place. One benefit of an on-line event, we discovered, was that people from as far away as Ontario and B.C., were able to enjoy the program. Read the rest of this entry »