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Dialogue 2017 #3


Margaret Helder
/ Pages

Jerry Bergman (2017) Joshua Press pp. 312

The best books are those that carry a compelling message and are interesting to read. Dr. Jerry Bergman’s new book How Darwinism Corrodes Morality is such a document. It carries the reader along from story to story. His discussion demonstrates how, in the early twentieth century, certain individuals who were consumed with a passion for Darwinism, managed to transform the values and customs of society from morals based on Judeo-Christian thought to a rejection of standards of any sort. Read the rest of this entry »

Celebrating Rhythm!

Celebrating Rhythm!


The 2017 award of the Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine to three Americans, Michael Rosbash, Jeffrey Hall and Michael Young, has served to stimulate our interest in a phenomenon that is actually well-known. We all know why people get hungry about the same time of day, or wake up about the same time, or suffer from jet-lag. It is because of biological clocks. So what was so special about the work of these three scientists? The story actually goes back to 1729! Read the rest of this entry »

Inspiring Weekend 2017

Inspiring Weekend 2017


The theme of Creation Weekend 2017 was “In Science and Faith, Worldview Matters”. Our speakers Carson Lueck and Dr. John Byl addressed this issue. Many people, in previous years, had indicated in questionnaires that they would be interested in presentations on apologetics. So here we were, considering worldviews. Naturally one might ask “What is a worldview? Why does it matter and how does it apply to our lives?” Read the rest of this entry »

New to Alberta — DINOS Centre

New to Alberta — DINOS Centre


A place where families can play and learn!

This summer during our annual family camping trip on a gloomy definitely-not-beach-weather kind of day, we discovered the DINOS (Discovery Institute of Nature, Origins and Science) Centre.  When someone suggested going to a new facility with a unique combination of indoor mini-golf, laser tag, and a café, as well as a Bible History Museum and an outdoor driving range, everybody agreed! Read the rest of this entry »