Dr. Paul Nelson has long been involved in the creation/evolution controversy, in fact he grew up in that milieu. His grandfather, Byron C. Nelson (1893-1972) for example, was a theologian and author, influential as a mid-century critic of Darwinian evolution. His grandson Paul, already as a university student, began to write articles for the Bible-Science Newsletter (an early, well-known creationist publication).
Paul received his B.A in philosophy and evolutionary biology from University of Pittsburgh and his Ph.D. in philosophy of biology and evolutionary theory from the University of Chicago. He is currently a Fellow of the Discovery Institute (Seattle) and Adjunct Professor for graduate studies in science and religion at Biola University in southern California.
Even before he graduated, Paul Nelson became involved with the intelligent design community. He was an organizer of the first (founding) Mere Creation conference in 1996, where a number in this research community first recognized their common interests. In subsequent years, as the Intelligent Design community has become better known, Dr. Nelson has published book chapters in the anthologies Mere Creation (InterVarsity Press), Signs of Intelligence (Brazos), Intelligent Design Creationism and its Critics (MIT Press), and Darwin, Design and Public Education (Michigan State University Press). His scholarly articles have appeared in Biology and Philosophy, Zygon, Rhetoric and Public Affairs, and Touchstone.
Better known, perhaps is the fact that Paul Nelson is a featured commentator in several Illustra Media films including Unlocking the Mystery of Life, and Metamorphosis (both best sellers for our association). Dr. Nelson continues to connect the creation model and intelligent design in lectures at such events as the upcoming International Conference on Creationism in Pittsburgh in August 2013, and other conferences, for example, examining evidence concerning created kinds (baramins).
His research interests include the relationship between developmental biology and our knowledge of the history of life, the theory of intelligent design and the interaction of science and theology. He lectures frequently at colleges and universities in the United States as well as internationally, particularly Europe. He has spoken on American and Italian national radio, and written for popular publications such as Oslo Dagbadet and Christian Research Journal.
CSAA is very excited that Dr. Nelson has agreed to come to Edmonton to share his interesting insights and information!! We look forward to his visually rich lectures on the weekend of October 18 and 19, 2013. Be sure to reserve this weekend and tell your friends about it too!!
March 2013
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