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HeadStart is a completely new tool available for high school students and their teachers (and postsecondary students). Written and developed by the Creation Science Association of Alberta, this tool is free and easily accessed.  Check it out at www.create.ab.ca/headstart

Many people recognize that it is a privilege to learn about God, the Creator and his Creation. That is why, besides observing the natural environment in which we find ourselves, it is a pleasure to go beyond mere observations to discover how things work and why. Most young people undertake to study some science, at least at the high school level. But there is a problem, most programs of study include a lot of evolutionary concepts that point away from God and his work. Even seemingly innocent terms like microevolution, convergence, nucleus, fossil record and plant biology are loaded with evolutionary concepts. However, these phenomena themselves actually point overwhelmingly to the work of God, the Creator as described in Genesis and throughout the Bible. It was to communicate this message, that HeadStart was developed.

With the modern student in mind, HeadStart was written to provide online definitions and significance of key terms and concepts in science. This tool, which is cellphone and tablet compatible, provides online, concise, downloadable, and printable information. The student and all interested users will be astonished at the ways in which the totality of life on earth, from entire organisms to biochemical features, structure and function of even the smallest component parts of organisms all testify to God’s choices in the Creation.

This website includes terms arranged under four themes: Impact of Worldviews, Design, Cell Biology, and Investigate Further.

As students explore the Impact of Worldviews section of HeadStart they will discover that while the Christian worldview centres on God, the secular worldview is based on the idea that matter and processes were all that was needed to bring about the entire universe. Within this Worldviews theme, basic origins terms and Christian treatments of origins issues are provided.

The topics under the Design theme answer the question where the beauty and amazing complexity of information in living creatures came from. The only possible answer is that it came from our awesome intelligent designer, the Creator of heaven and earth and all that are in them. The topics under this theme deal mainly with information and functionality.

Under the Cell Biology theme, topics dealing with the complexity of the cell are discussed. It does not take us long to realize that the living cell cries out that it was created.

Under Investigate Further, some topics dealing with the fossil record are included as well as the biology and design of many celled organisms and their ecological relationships. The bottom line is that all nature displays the wonder and majesty and character of God through the things that he has made.

In order to make this tool user friendly, there is a search engine as well as the listing of related terms under each discussion. There are also related resources listed for some of the topics. These include links to illustrated articles which are available elsewhere online, as well as links to videos that bring the subject matter to life. Some of these articles are little known such as Dr. Steven Austin’s 1996 article on dating the lava dome at Mount St. Helens (within the radiometric dating discussion). Also, the link to an item from Nature on the diamond jubilee of the discovery of DNA structure is available under the ENCODE project. This referenced article declares that “we don’t fully understand how evolution works at the molecular level.” The article goes on and on in this vein. The video clips come from a variety of sources, creation, intelligent design, secular and commercial. All are excellent. Most are brief, which is ideal.

For the interested, and curious, and for the student, the HeadStart resource provides a rich source of information and inspiration.  


March 2022

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