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Paperback / $6.00 / 55 Pages
When you visit this museum, be sure to go armed with this booklet. It highlights interesting details and fascinating insights concerning the displays in the museum. All commentary in the booklet is from a creation-based perspective. The booklet comes with a map of major dinosaur exhibits and links to further discussion online of some topics like the geological column.
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An entirely new feature is the use of the HeadStart online resource to provide more detailed discussion of some related and important issues such as origin of life arguments, and evolution related topics like the geological column, rock record, fossils (what are they?), Cambrian explosion, extinct Alberta creatures (mostly marine reptiles) and dinosaurs (a separate topic).
Naturally one can only absorb limited amounts of information as one proceeds through the museum. However, the guide also serves as a briefing source of further insights once one has left Drumheller.
Order OnlinePaperback / $12.00 / 295 Pages / line drawings
There are young adults all over the continent who are anxious to survive their studies in postsecondary institutions with faith intact. Patricia Engler is someone who succeeded in this endeavour. She shares her experiences and advice with us all. Her upbeat tone and practical advice cannot fail to encourage everyone.
Order OnlinePaperback / $6.00 / 59 Pages / Full colour
Another title in the Heroes of Creation Science series from ICR, this booklet introduces children to important concepts in physics like gravity and light. Not only did this pioneer in science discovery teach us important new insights, but he also was profoundly interested in God the Creator. He not only studied nature, but he also saw the hand of God in all he observed.
Order OnlinePaperback / $10.00 / 138 Pages / full colour
This title is in a new series of small books from ICR entitled Creation Collection. Written at the introductory level, this book not only discusses supposed fossil evidence concerning human ancestors, but also that our DNA differs significantly from apes, is not “junk”, and that human chromosome #2 never came from apes.
Order OnlineHardcover / $52.00 / 433 Pages
This is a landmark book on apologetics which deals with scripture, science and the current cultural milieu which plagues our society. The book is written for all interested Christians but especially for those who wonder about the reliability of the early chapters in Genesis. Each section is interesting and beautifully documented. People concerned about social action and politics will be especially interested in the third section of this volume.
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