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Books » Introductory


A Different Shade of Green

A Different Shade of Green

Dr. Gordon Wilson
Paperback / $16.00 / 189 Pages / line drawings

In this recent book, written for the concerned Christian, Dr. Wilson seeks to discuss how God’s world works, our place in it, and how to assume leadership and dominion in the world. Written in friendly persuasive fashion, this book is enjoyable and inspirational.

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Margaret Helder
Paperback / $6.00 / 55 Pages

A bold new cover, directional highlights in colour and the same user friendly coil format, make this new guide to the Royal Tyrrell Museum appealing to visitors to the museum.

Informed commentary on dinosaurs and other fossilized creatures is again provided for the parts of the museum devoted to actual displays of fossil casts or actual artifacts. In that almost half of the museum is now devoted to arguments for evolution (rather than actual displays of fossils), this edition of the guide provides some new features.

Firstly, at the end of small paragraphs discussing each issue (such as evidences for evolution), the guide provides a summarizing statement in italics. You don’t have to plough through all the verbiage to get the idea! Also, since many specific kinds of fossil are now displayed in several distant places in the museum, page numbers in the guide are provided so that that one can access the remarks concerning presentations elsewhere. For example, dinosaur bone beds are presented in the museum in several different places.

An entirely new feature is the use of the HeadStart online resource to provide more detailed discussion of some related and important issues such as origin of life arguments, and evolution related topics like the geological column, rock record, fossils (what are they?), Cambrian explosion, extinct Alberta creatures (mostly marine reptiles) and dinosaurs (a separate topic).

Naturally one can only absorb limited amounts of information as one proceeds through the museum. However, the guide also serves as a briefing source of further insights once one has left Drumheller.

This booklet is a resource that keeps stimulating and informing readers!

Shipping cost for one copy is only $2.

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The Work of His Hands

The Work of His Hands

Col. Jeffrey Williams
Hardcover / $35.00 / 176 Pages / Full colour

The author describes his six-month tour of duty in the International Space Station in 2006. We learn the
story of Expedition 13 from his perspective as flight engineer. The pictures which he took from the ISS
give us a front row seat on the view below. Enjoy his interesting text and numerous pictures of specific locations on Earth. In this context, Col Williams declares that space itself demonstrates the greatness
and power of God.

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Jerry Bergman
Paperback / $22.00 / 138 Pages / full colour

Discover this collection of amazing creatures that illustrate the enormous variety of God’s
creation. The selection includes some popular animals such as pandas, koala, elephant, giraffe,
camel and penguins as well as some totally weird creatures. Explore the details concerning
each creature as well as the serious problems each presents for evolution theory.

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Inspiration From Creation

Inspiration From Creation

Stuart Burgess and Dominic Statham
Paperback / $12.00 / 129 Pages / Full colour

Contrary to the evolutionary view that predicts sloppy design in nature, engineers are finding amazing natural design solutions for many of our technological problems. With a resume that includes designing machines for industry, medicine and space exploration, Drs. Burgess and Statham share some interesting insights into the design process.

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The Weather Book

The Weather Book

Michael Oard
Hardcover / $16.00 / 80 Pages / full colour illustrations

Richly illustrated, this book introduces junior high readers to normal and extreme weather systems, and events of the past such as the worldwide flood of Noah. Interesting and useful for today’s young weather observers.

Our Created Moon

Our Created Moon

Donald DeYoung and John Whitcomb
Hardcover / $15.00 / 96 Pages / full colour

Filled with beautiful colour images and graphs, this book demonstrates how the features of the moon are not only interesting, but they testify to the moon’s recent creation.

Keeping Faith in an Age of Reason

Keeping Faith in an Age of Reason

Jason Lisle
Paperback / $18.00 / 254 Pages

Refuting Alleged Bible Contradictions
A favourite tactic of Bible critics is to claim that there are errors and contradictions in Scripture. Dr. Lisle of Institute for Creation Research provides answers for 420 such claims. He also indicates the kind of fallacy each critical attack involves. A very handy reference!!

Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge
Paperback / $14.00 / 352 Pages

Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge
Paperback / $14.00 / 300 Pages

Great Alaskan Dinosaur Adventure

Great Alaskan Dinosaur Adventure

Buddy Davis, Mike Liston and John Whitmore
Paperback / $10.00 / 137 Pages / black & white photos

The reader enjoys second hand the real life experiences of five men who journeyed to the Liscombe Dinosaur Bone Bed on Alaska’s north shore. The account, partly travelogue, and partly devotional, describes how the men found both fossilized and un-fossilized duckbill dinosaur bones.

Geology Book,The

Geology Book,The

John Morris
Hardcover / $16.00 / 80 Pages / full colour illustrations

A wonderful book, written for junior high. The author takes the reader on a tour of the earth’s crust, pointing out both the natural beauty and scientific evidences for creation. A definite must for students studying earth science.

Exploring the World of Chemistry

Exploring the World of Chemistry

John Tiner
Paperback / $14.00 / 142 Pages / line drawings

This book combines interesting accounts of chemists’ lives with discussion of their discoveries including atomic theory and the table of elements. The logic of organic chemistry is also demonstrated and some modern industrial applications of chemistry are touched upon. Questions conclude each chapter.

Exploring Planet Earth

Exploring Planet Earth

John Tiner
Paperback / $14.00 / 163 Pages / line drawings

Another fascinating book for junior high readers. Following in the footsteps of early explorers, we look at interesting features of our globe such as wind, currents in the sea, the tides, earth’s magnetic field, rocks, glaciers, and river systems. Later we move to the atmosphere and exploration by hot air balloon, airplanes and space vehicles. Thought provoking questions at the end of each chapter make this book suitable for geography and social studies (history).



Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge
Paperback / $6.00 / 237 Pages