Books » Intermediate
Paperback / $6.00 / 55 Pages
A bold new cover, directional highlights in colour and the same user friendly coil format, make this new guide to the Royal Tyrrell Museum appealing to visitors to the museum.
Informed commentary on dinosaurs and other fossilized creatures is again provided for the parts of the museum devoted to actual displays of fossil casts or actual artifacts. In that almost half of the museum is now devoted to arguments for evolution (rather than actual displays of fossils), this edition of the guide provides some new features.
Firstly, at the end of small paragraphs discussing each issue (such as evidences for evolution), the guide provides a summarizing statement in italics. You don’t have to plough through all the verbiage to get the idea! Also, since many specific kinds of fossil are now displayed in several distant places in the museum, page numbers in the guide are provided so that that one can access the remarks concerning presentations elsewhere. For example, dinosaur bone beds are presented in the museum in several different places.
An entirely new feature is the use of the HeadStart online resource to provide more detailed discussion of some related and important issues such as origin of life arguments, and evolution related topics like the geological column, rock record, fossils (what are they?), Cambrian explosion, extinct Alberta creatures (mostly marine reptiles) and dinosaurs (a separate topic).
Naturally one can only absorb limited amounts of information as one proceeds through the museum. However, the guide also serves as a briefing source of further insights once one has left Drumheller.
This booklet is a resource that keeps stimulating and informing readers!
Shipping cost for one copy is only $2.
Order OnlinePaperback / $28.00 / 256 Pages
Evolution’s Failure in the Light of Scripture and the Scientific Evidence
Why are brilliant and logical scientists not reasonable on the question of the ultimate cause of the unity, diversity, and complexity of life on Earth? We wrongly think that an accurate view of life’s origins can be deduced by science and logic alone apart from faith and humble submission to God’s Word. Without the light of God’s Word, unbelievers have built up an edifice, a theory of life’s origins known as Darwinian Evolution, which they believe is an impregnable fortress. In our Darwin-dominated society, blind chance, mutation, and natural selection have received most of the glory for the unity, diversity, and complexity of life on Earth. It’s about time this philosophy is seen for what it is: a sandcastle on the beach, in the face of the rising tide.
Order OnlineHardcover / $52.00 / 433 Pages
This is a landmark book on apologetics which deals with scripture, science and the current cultural milieu which plagues our society. The book is written for all interested Christians but especially for those who wonder about the reliability of the early chapters in Genesis. Each section is interesting and beautifully documented. People concerned about social action and politics will be especially interested in the third section of this volume.
Order OnlinePaperback / $35.00 / 216 Pages / Full colour
This us an exceptionally interesting and beautiful book. Anyone who enjoys interesting new ideas, beautiful patterns and mathematics, will certainly want a copy of this book. You will be surprised how commonly fractals can be found in nature. Another testimony to the wonders of Creation!
Paperback / $12.00 / 295 Pages
Packed with information concerning the situation at most universities and colleges, the author provides Biblical strategies for maintaining a Christian world view in these institutions along with practical tips to handle faith-challenging messages. This new book provides insights from the author’s recent graduation from a secular Canadian university. First hand advice is always the best!
Order OnlinePaperback / $18.00 / 350 Pages / black and white illustrations
Experts, like Drs. David Menton, Nathaniel Jeanson and Georgia Purdom, expose flaws in popular evolutionary arguments including the horse sequence, human chromosome 2, whale fossils, dinosaur-t0-bird arguments and more. Cutting edge layman level discussion recommended for teens to adults.
Book Review of Glass House as well as another foundational book called Creation Basics and Beyond
Order OnlinePaperback / $5.00 / 36 Pages / Black and white
This Companion Study Guide is a booklet that provides greater understanding and benefits for the book No Christian Silence on Science. Includes general summaries, key concepts, questions, detailed answers, resources both on-line video and article formats, websites and other recommended aids to discussion and understanding. Lastly there are some fun suggestions for extension, furthering one appreciation of the issues.
Read a review of No Christian Silence on Science
Order OnlinePaperback / $12.00 / 129 Pages / Full colour
Contrary to the evolutionary view that predicts sloppy design in nature, engineers are finding amazing natural design solutions for many of our technological problems. With a resume that includes designing machines for industry, medicine and space exploration, Drs. Burgess and Statham share some interesting insights into the design process.
Order OnlinePaperback / $6.00 / 95 Pages / colour
Social conflict over climate change is something that Christians cannot afford to ignore. While
we all agree that we must treat our environment with care and respect, our mandate is to
“contribute knowledgeably to the discussion and care for God’s creation in a way that
recognizes man as the height of his created order.” (p. 59) This booklet provides information
and graphs to assist us with the need to be knowledgeable and caring.
Paperback / $15.00 / 196 Pages
The legacy of Darwin’s speculations on evolution has led to terrible incidents of racism. This book examines the historical roots of racism and the Bible’s response to it, the truth that God created only one race.
Paperback / $15.00 / 199 Pages
Each of the 14 chapters discusses some specialized aspect of human biology such as maintaining our body temperature, the immune system, or protecting the body from too much sun. Each discussion is followed by a devotional page and then in depth questions on that topic. Detailed answers are next provided. This book can function as a complement to the dvd series of the same name, or as a stand alone discussion.
Hardcover / $18.00 / 128 Pages / full colour
At last we have a book on Mount St. Helens and what a book! The text follows the events and aftermath of May 18, 1980. Considerable attention is given to how this eruption demonstrates, on a small scale, rapid and dramatic changes to the earth’s surface. Comparisons are made with flood geology. Deluxe colour photos amplify the interesting discussion.
Paperback / $18.00 / 320 Pages / black and white
Are you looking for an entertaining and interesting book? Look no further! The author spent two decades compiling the research for this new book. It so happens that many so-called proofs of evolution in past generations turned out to be completely in error. Yet these so-called findings were the foundation upon which general acceptance of evolution was based. A skeptical attitude to these pronouncements would have avoided a lot of grief for science! This is a lesson for us today.
Order OnlinePaperback / $20.00 / 195 Pages
A forceful discussion of the supposed mechanism of evolution. This book caused the scientific establishment to sit up and take notice — and besides — it’s interesting.
Paperback / $15.00 / 384 Pages
An In-Depth Look at Science, Origins, and Evolution
Top-notch authors provide well-documented and clear discussion on many topics of concern to Christians. The first section focuses on worldview issues and the Bible, the second on created kinds, the third on flood geology, the fourth on dinosaurs and man, and the fifth on creation of the cosmos. Good reading and good insights!!
Book Review of Creation Basics and Beyond as well as another foundational book called Glass House
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