DVDs » Intermediate
DVD / $15.00 / 55 Minutes
Your personal tour of Grand Canyon brought to you by the creation scientists who know it the best! Answer the hard questions about the origin and history of the Grand Canyon. Learn how this canyon is best understood in the light of Scripture.
DVD / $14.00 / 63 Minutes / featuring Michael Oard
How many ice ages have there been in earth’s history? When was the last one? How does an ice age start? How did the global flood of Noah’s day contribute to the Ice Age? Meteorologist Michael Oard examines the physical evidence, scrutinizes the secular theories, and shows that only the Bible sufficiently explains the mechanism neccessary to produce and sustain the Ice Age.
DVD / $14.00 / 45 Minutes / featuring Dr. David DeWitt
Biologist, Dr. David DeWitt, discusses the unique nature of mankind. Critiquing the evolutionary tree that supposedly links humans to apes, he exposes the idea of such a tree for what it is, science fiction.
DVD / $14.00 / 63 Minutes / featuring Dr. David Menton
An anatomist looks at the amazingly intricate details of development in the womb. Each stage includes a series of miracles which cannot be explained by random process or chance. This discussion is framed in terms of Psalm 139:13-16 and John 3.
DVD / $18.00 / 36 Minutes / With Steve Austin
Multimedia presentation of the Mount St. Helens eruption and its significance for the Biblical Flood.
DVD / $15.00 / 60 Minutes
This compelling video reviews scientific evidence, which certain school officials want to keep out of the classroom. Consider the discussion, observe the rich illustrations and make up your own mind. Includes Darwin’s finches, fruit fly genetics, fossils, molecular machines and human origins.