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DVDs » Intermediate


Andrew Snelling
DVD / $15.00 / 74 Minutes

A Close Examination of Radiocarbon, Tree Rings and Varves – Most people think about C14 (carbon fourteen) dating when they wonder about radiometric dating methods. Since the issues with carbon fourteen dating are different from issues in dating rocks, this DVD presents a timely discussion of carbon dating which can involve how long-ago certain creatures lived.

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The Secret Code of Creation

The Secret Code of Creation

Jason Lisle
DVD / $12.00 / 48 Minutes

Fractals are amazingly beautiful images built up by patterns which repeat themselves at larger and larger scales. Plotted from some obscure mathematical equations, these patterns reflect the infinitely complex and inexpressibly powerful mind of the Creator. If you like mathematics or just plain beauty, you will love this DVD!

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Inspiration From Creation (DVD)

Inspiration From Creation (DVD)

Dr. Stuart Burgess
DVD / $10.00 / 65 Minutes

Contrary to the evolutionary view that predicts sloppy design in nature, engineers are finding amazing natural design solutions for many of our technological problems. With a resume that includes designing machines for industry, medicine and space exploration, Dr. Burgess shares some interesting insights into the design process.

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This forty-seven minute video is a follow-up of the 2002 Illustra Media DVD, Unlocking the Mystery of Life. Its purpose is to show that scientific materialism, which excludes any notion of intelligence or design, utterly fails in trying to prove that simple chemistry produces life through random undirected processes. Through beautiful and powerful animation, this movie takes the viewer from grand perspectives of the universe into the most elemental workings of a living cell, all of which can only leave one in great awe of the Creator.

This is an excellent systematic demolition of the theory of evolution at the most basic and most important level, namely, how did life actually begin? It is simply impossible for life to have started spontaneously by chance. Some scientists are consequently turning to other theories such as panspermia, the notion that life on earth originated from microorganisms or chemical precursors of life present in outer space. But, as the movie shows, that is a cop-out and an abandonment of science. Ultimately, the question of the origin of life concerns us all. Where did we come from? We need to look to the Creator.

This high quality and informative video is highly recommended, especially for science teachers and students.

Illustra Media, 2016.

Reviewed by Cornelis Van Dam in Clarion vol. 67 #19 September 21, 2018.

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Illustra Media
DVD / $15.00 / 64 Minutes

The Beauty and Design of Butterflies
From caterpillars to the amazing details of what happens in the chrysalis, to astonishing details of the Monarch butterflies’ migration patterns, this DVD is certain to provide new insights, even to nature lovers. Spectacular insights into wonderful design.

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The Beauty and Design of Butterflies
From caterpillars to the amazing details of what happens in the chrysalis, to astonishing details of the Monarch butterflies’ migration patterns, this DVD is certain to provide new insights, even to nature lovers. Spectacular insights into wonderful design.

Global Tectonics and the Flood

Global Tectonics and the Flood

Featuring Dr. John Baumgardner
DVD / $12.00 / 38 Minutes

Putting the Pieces Together
Using an innovative 3-dimensional model known as TERRA, which he developed during his doctoral research at UCLA, Dr. Baumgardner shows how a massive upheaval of Earth’s surface may have helped to create the conditions for a disastrous worldwide flood.

Living Waters

Living Waters

Illustra Media
DVD / $15.00 / 68 Minutes

Another wonderful program on animals, which illustrates their beauty and amazing functions necessary for survival, this time in the sea. Here we discover highly complicated and unique design features in dolphins, Pacific salmon, sea turtles and humpback whales. In all this we see the work of their Creator!

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Creation Ministries International
DVD / $18.00 / 96 Minutes

Exceptionally well illustrated, with interesting commentary by 15 well qualified scientists, this DVD is guaranteed to fascinate and inform. Some of the eight topics will be more interesting than others to individual viewers, but this is not surprising when the topics cover everything from biology to geology to physics and astronomy. There is plenty of Christian commentary which highlights the significance of each issue. Younger viewers (for example high school) won’t understand everything, but it will serve as an introduction to the issues. Subtitles in 16 languages can be selected.

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Astronomy Reveals Creation

Astronomy Reveals Creation

Jason Lisle
DVD / $12.00 / 62 Minutes

Many people use astronomy to challenge Scripture, but what do the heavens actually reveal? Dr. Jason Lisle explores five “secrets of the cosmos” to find out. Through his presentation, we see how the universe declares the glory of God and how the Bible is right when it talks about the basics of astronomy. It is also right when it speaks to the age of the universe, the uniqueness of Earth, and the issue of distant starlight. Dr. Lisle confirms that when we really understand the Bible and the universe, we find that the scientific evidence lines up with Scripture.

Rock Strata, Fossils and the Flood

Rock Strata, Fossils and the Flood

Answers in Genesis
DVD / $14.00 / 47 Minutes

Join geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling as he discusses six main evidences for the flood. His interesting examples take us all over the world. The discussion is enhanced by graphs and photographs.

Formed to Fly

Formed to Fly

Answers in Genesis
DVD / $14.00 / 61 Minutes / featuring Dr. David Menton

Unlike the dinosaurs, from which birds are said to have evolved, birds are truly “formed to fly.” With scanning electron microscope Dr. Menton shows how different bird feathers are compared to reptile scales. There is no way the scales could have evolved by chance into feathers.

Illustra Media
DVD / $18.00 / 72 Minutes

A feast for the eyes and the mind! Even although the discussion concerning sudden appearance of many-celled animals in the fossil record, is couched in terms which the evolutionists prefer (long ages), the arguments for evolution still fail spectacularly. Perfect for senior high school students and interested adults.

Geologic Evidences

Geologic Evidences

Answers in Genesis and ICR
DVD / $14.00 / 57 Minutes / featuring Dr. Steven Austin

While observational science continues to baffle those who believe the immense Canyon took millions of years to form, Dr. Steven Austin shows how the facts point to rapid formation by catastrophic, rushing water.

The Code of Life

The Code of Life

Answers in Genesis
DVD / $12.00 / 45 Minutes / featuring Dr. Georgia Purdom

DNA, Information, and Mutation
Explore the fascinating world of DNA and clearly see that “junk” DNA isn’t junk and that mutations and natural selection are headed in the wrong direction, corrupting and decreasing information in DNA making evolution impossible.