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Why Evolution Has No Future

Why Evolution Has No Future


Biology is a changed discipline since the advent of the human genome project. Now scientists have detailed molecular DNA codes for many important organisms. DNA, of course, is the genetic information which provides for inheritance, development and mature life processes of each organism. Read the rest of this entry »

Good Viewing, Great Information

Good Viewing, Great Information


After watching the video Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, I couldn’t help exclaiming to my sister, husband, mother and anyone who would listen: “You have to watch this fascinating video!” Read the rest of this entry »

Learning from the RATE Project

Learning from the RATE Project


One does not have to be a scientist with an advanced degree in physics or geology to appreciate the relevance of recent studies on the radiometric dating of rocks and biological materials. The book Thousands… not Billions and the DVD of the same name, are designed to communicate to the general public the results of recent research which fit a young age for the earth. Read the rest of this entry »

The More the Merrier

The More the Merrier


One of the great strengths of the intelligent design community, is the large variety of people from diverse scientific disciplines, who contribute to the discussion. With many minds and original approaches, the arguments are honed, and honed again. Everybody wins. In similar fashion, the appearance of a new creation based book with original arguments gives us occasion not only to cheer – but also to pay attention to its contents. Read the rest of this entry »

Evolution Under the Microscope

Evolution Under the Microscope


The striking image on the cover of this book is a crystal of DNA. What more effective illustration could one imagine for a book which deals with the significance of biochemistry for our understanding of biology? Read the rest of this entry »

Faith, Form and Time

Faith, Form and Time


Kurt P. Wise. 2002. Faith, Form, and Time: What the Bible Teaches and Science Confirms about Creation and the Age of the Earth. Broadman and Holman Publishers. Nashville, TN. Paperback. 287 pages.

Few Christians in science today are as qualified as Kurt Wise to talk about origins theory. His field of expertise is fossils and he obtained his Ph.D. in this discipline from Harvard University. His research director was none other than arch-evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould who well understood that Wise was a creationist. After graduation Dr Wise accepted a position in a small Christian college in Tennessee. There he has encouraged a nucleus of like-minded scientists to cooperate on highly technical research of relevance to creation. He does not appreciate superficial efforts. Indeed he has made himself unpopular in some circles through his insistence on high standards in scientific research and in the drawing of conclusions. Thus one might expect his new book to deal with science but it only lightly touches on the issue. What this book does is to provide a Scriptural defense of the creationist position. Read the rest of this entry »