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Articles » Geology


Friends in the Scientific News

Friends in the Scientific News


Secular scientists usually do not like to mention discoveries or achievements of people who support Biblical creation. Recently however, some creation supporters have come to the attention of many scientists and even the secular media.

Mark Armitage, for example, recently published an article on soft un-fossilized tissue in one of the largest Triceratops horns ever found in Montana. Mr. Armitage had found the dinosaur fossil himself in 2012. Then in February 2013 he, along with biologist Kevin Lee Anderson of Arkansas State University-Beebe, published a technical article on this find in a mainstream European scientific journal Acta Histochemica (115, 603-608, 2013). Entitled “Soft sheets of fibrillary bone from a fossil of the supraorbital horn of the dinosaur Triceratops horridus.” The article established this find as “the first report of sheets of soft tissues from Triceratops horn bearing layers of osteocytes [bone forming cells], and extends the range and type of dinosaur specimens known to contain non-fossilized material in bone matrix.” (p. 603) Read the rest of this entry »

Review Anyone?

Review Anyone?


Review of Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels (book)

Like Alice of Wonderland fame (in Through the Looking Glass), who found that she had to run extremely fast just to stay in the same place, so also it is hard to maintain an up-to-date understanding in science. The scientific journals constantly churn out new articles with new information and arguments. Keeping up to date is hard work! But it is extremely helpful to have an understanding of current issues in science and their significance. This makes the new book Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels (Robert Carter, Editor) and its companion DVD of the same title, extremely relevant. Read the rest of this entry »

Earthquakes, Fossils, Flood and Scripture

Earthquakes, Fossils, Flood and Scripture


People came from hundreds of kilometres away to hear Dr. Steven Ausin speak at CSAA’s Creation Weekend in Edmonton in October. His first lecture on Friday evening, October 24 was on the global flood model, also known as catastrophic plate tectonics. This model provides an explanation for how the earth came to its present state (as a result of a worldwide flood). The model was first proposed in a paper in 1994. There were six authors, Drs. Steven Austin, John Baumgardner, Hubert Humphreys, Andrew Snelling, Larry Vardiman and Kurt Wise (each representing different relevant technical areas of expertise). Read the rest of this entry »

Where Did They All Come From?

Where Did They All Come From?


It was in 1909 that Charles Walcott of the Smithsonian Institution, noticed an unusual fossil in Canada’s Rocky Mountains in Yoho National Park. It was the discoloured, extremely thin remains of a soft-bodied marine creature. Now wait a minute, he must have thought! What we normally find as fossils are the hard parts such as shell or bone from once living creatures. Naturally intrigued, Walcott returned to British Columbia for several summers. He found a whole collection of soft bodied creatures previously unknown to science. Read the rest of this entry »

October 24 & 25, 2014  in Edmonton

Ever since Dr. Steve Austin earned his Ph.D. in coal geology from Pennsylvania State University, he has shared his expertise with Christians eager to understand how nature expresses what the Bible tells us happened in the past. Indeed, when it comes to geological research, Dr. Austin’s resume goes on and on, all of it exciting! Read the rest of this entry »

User Friendly Book on the Flood

User Friendly Book on the Flood


In many ways, the new book The Global Flood: Unlocking Earth’s Geologic History by John Morris, is a repackaging of Steven Austin’s (editor) book Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe. However the new book is written in non-technical language, with many more illustrative maps, diagrams and charts as well as many beautiful photographs. Thus for many people, this new title will prove very useful and popular indeed. Read the rest of this entry »

This DVD features discussion by Dr. Andrew Snelling, author of Earth’s Catastrophic Past, an 1100 page work which discusses multiple issues connected to the worldwide flood of Noah. This man is well known for his work on radiometric dating, some of it with the RATE project from Institute for Creation Research, which examined the significance of various dating techniques for conclusions about the age of the earth. He declares firstly that we only think of the earth as old because we expect the rocks to be old, based on a comparison with geological processes going on today. However instead of the present interpreting the past, we should rather turn our understanding around and realize that what happened in the past, explains what we see in the present. Read the rest of this entry »

Diatoms: Jewels of the Marine World

Diatoms: Jewels of the Marine World


Diatoms are a major group of plants which float in open water, and they are one of the most successful types of microscopic algae known. The estimated over 100,000 known species are found in the oceans, in freshwater, in soils and even on damp surfaces. Most diatoms are unicellular, although some can form colonies in the shape of long filaments or ribbons. As eukaryotes or cells with a nucleus, they have highly complex cells, comparable to other eukaryotes such as mammals and even humans (Philippe, et al., 1994, Journal of Evolutionary Biology 7: 247). Read the rest of this entry »

Earthquakes: so much yet to learn!

Earthquakes: so much yet to learn!


Of all the scientific disciplines which resist solution, earthquake prediction certainly ranks close to the top of the list. One need only review the history of recent major events to discover how difficult this issue is. Read the rest of this entry »

Wonderful Taste of Evidences

Wonderful Taste of Evidences


Wouldn’t it be great if there were a small, easy to understand, nicely organized book about the global flood that could serve as a starting place for understanding this issue from a Biblical and scientific point of view?  Well look no further… Answers in Genesis has produced just that; a handy little book called “A Pocket Guide to… The Global Flood”. Read the rest of this entry »

Demonstrates Authority and Accuracy

Demonstrates Authority and Accuracy


John Whitcomb and Henry Morris’ 1961 classic The Genesis Flood was, of course, a wonderful work. Countless people, among them many scientists, have been positively influenced by its message. In the ensuing half century however, a lot of new information and many new arguments against “the flood” have appeared. The time has long since come for an update of the 1961 work. Read the rest of this entry »

Dr. Marcus Ross Coming to Alberta

Dr. Marcus Ross Coming to Alberta


Creation Science Association of Alberta is delighted to announce that Dr. Marcus Ross has agreed to speak at our creation weekend in Edmonton on Friday and Saturday, October 15 and 16, 2010. This young scientist brings with him a wealth of experience and expertise. He graduated with a B.S. from The Pennsylvania State University, a M. S. in Paleontology at south Dakota School of Mines and Technology and a Ph.D. in Geosciences from University of Rhode Island. His doctoral thesis dealt with the abundance and spread of mosasaurs, marine reptiles which are found in Cretaceous sediments, rock levels similar to those of many dinosaurs. Read the rest of this entry »

Around the World with Dr. Austin

Around the World with Dr. Austin


On the weekend of November 6/09 large crowds came to hear Dr. Steven Austin, senior research scientist from Institute for Creation Research, discuss his work in geology. On the Friday evening, he described events surrounding the eruption of Mount St. Helens in May 1980. One result was pyroclastic (very hot) mud flows which deposited and quickly eroded a canyon similar in appearance to the Grand Canyon, only at a smaller scale (one twenty fifth the size). This miniature, but still impressive, canyon, demonstrates that obvious layering of sediment and erosion of these layers can happen very quickly. No long ages are required. Read the rest of this entry »

Geologist Dr. Steven Austin has promised to provide Albertans with some fascinating and exciting information when he comes to Edmonton for the November 6-7 weekend. On the Friday evening, November 6 (Millbourne Alliance Church), he has promised to discuss “Mount St. Helens : Explosive Evidence for Creation.”  Since the eruption of that volcano in 1980, Dr. Austin has presented this material to many audiences and the response is always very positive. Read the rest of this entry »

Steven Austin coming to Alberta!

Steven Austin coming to Alberta!


The Creation Science Association of Alberta is delighted to announce that geologist Dr. Steven Austin has agreed to come to Edmonton for the November 7/09 weekend. He has agreed to deliver three lectures on the Saturday and also, we expect, one on the Friday evening, in a format much like the hugely successful event with Dr. Kurt Wise, this past fall.  Get the latest here. Read the rest of this entry »